Dear Friends,
Today is the day before Mother’s Day – looking outside at the snow, it’s hard to believe.

This Spring has brought some surprises, the least of which is the long, late-coming spring weather. The magnolia tree is still attempting to bloom, with snow on its buds. The daffodils are only part way up, and the pastures are still trying to mature for grazing.
Aside from that, the COVID-19 pandemic has rocked everyone’s world for at least the last 8 weeks. I hope you are all healthy and finding ways to adjust to the ‘new not-normal’.
Whenever I take a break from the busy-ness of my work in municipal communications to pop out to the horses, I’m always amazed at how completely untouched the horses are by what is going on. They continue to graze, nap, chase, and socialize as always; Soleil begs for grooming, Zorro acts nonchalant while secretly craving attention, Kola is always ready for an adventure. They give off grounded, peaceful energy. It’s just what I need in this time, and it’s a bit of assurance that the world will return to equilibrium one day.

I recognize that not everyone has an outlet like the horses to help balance and absorb the stresses of the day. I offer to anyone who needs a connection with the horses: we can book a virtual session to give you the sight and sound of the herd. Sessions are 30 minutes, pay what you can. The smell and touch senses will be there in time. It’s easy to practice physical distancing on the farm, but I’m not quite ready to offer in-person sessions yet, as we’re told we should be traveling for essentials only. When that time comes, I’ll be sure to let you know.
In the meantime, have a look at sunnier memories from the farm, and stay well.