Group Meditation with Horses
Join us for a tranquil evening of meditation and horse magic at our upcoming meditation circle.
Led by Andrea Robin Skinner, meditation teacher, and facilitated by Cheri Davidson, FEEL Facilitator, this unique experience offers a serene and rejuvenating way to connect with nature, the Horses and YOU.
$30 per person, cash or e-transfer to cheri@horsediscovery.com
What to bring:Lawn chair, blanket and water bottle
"Come to the farm and B R E A T H E. Let the horses remind you that you are enough, you belong, and you are whole.
Andrea is an artist and trauma-sensitive meditation facilitator. She lives in Port Hope and keeps her horse Maia at Horse Discovery Farm. She co-facilitates self-care groups at The Gatehouse, in Toronto, an organization for survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
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"The meditation last night was wonderful! So relaxing, grounding, and incredibly supportive. I had never thought about daily natural occurrences such as daylight to dark working together in this specific way, and I truly enjoyed it. The horses were magical and incredibly powerful. I loved hearing all their different sounds as they encircled us. I also felt the spot where I lay was made for me - my back was fully supported with curves and swells exactly where I needed them - a gift from Madam Universe, showing me I was exactly where I was meant to be last night!"
Brenda Junkin
Joe and I had a wonderful horse meditation experience. It was relaxing and relieved a lot of stress mentally as well as physically. I received much needed healing for a knee that has been a problem for a long time."
Linda Sweet
"Andrea, with her soft, gentle voice and expertise, guided us through a meditation. Then we did a walking meditation beside the paddocks on Cheri’s beautiful property. We ended in an amazing forest and did another body scan meditation. It was a calm, focused, beautiful evening surrounded by nature and horses of course 😊. Even though the air was chilly, our hearts were warmed by the environment, the stillness and these two beautiful women facilitating the event. A perfect little getaway from the craziness of our current world state. It definitely put things into perspective, which is quite a huge accomplishment these days!"
Pat Hutchison

Meditating with Horses to Gently Release Childhood Trauma; a message from Andrea Robin Skinner
Physical, sexual and emotional trauma from childhood can lead to self-neglect and illness later in life. Our creative expression, love and joy can be hidden away as we stay on high alert in adulthood, feeling overwhelmed, isolated and exhausted.
The good news is that there are so many valuable self-care techniques and therapies today to help us heal.
I believe time with horses can support any path we are on. The reason I turn to the horses is they remind me that healing is not only possible, but an unstoppable aspect of the life force. The energy of the horses is so powerful and kind, I feel my own power and compassion meet theirs. The healing impulse within us is as strong as the impulse to breathe, and all that is needed is to allow what is natural, what is already happening, to happen. Just breathe.
Horses have helped me to let go of fear, go at my own pace, trust myself, stop trying so hard, and respond to the moment rather than rehearsing my lines, my next move. Horses teach that life is love. Everything flows from there.
I hope you will join us at the farm!

"Horses teach me again and again that my well-being and sense of purpose arise naturally when I feel safe enough to rest deeply and let love take care of me.
Horses remind me of who I really am.”
~ Andrea Robin Skinner